Sunday, August 16, 2009

10 Reasons You Should Use Google Reader For RSS Feeds

Here are 10 reasons why you should use Google reader for reading feeds.
1) It is sociable:
Last update to Google Reader has made it sociable, now it is very easy to share your feeds on other social networks as on Twitter, Facebook , Digg, Delicious, Friendfeed.

2) Do more with your feed:
Sharing in Google Reader is not the latest thing but there more than it, you can save your feeds as PDF file in your computer, you can email it or you can simply share it anywhere you want, read Amit Agrawal’s post here.
You can translate your feeds with Google translator, read Matt Cutts’s post here.

3) Read it off-line:
Google reader allows you to read your feeds off-line only you have to install Google gears.

4) It is personal as social:
Google Reader gives you better control on over your feeds, you can share your folders or individual post or keep private.

5) Better control over shared items:
You can unshare anytime your shared items. And a different section for your friends shared items.

6) Better subscribing options:
In Google Reader you can subscribe any feed easily just enter URL of web page. By using Google Reader bookmarklet you can can subscribe any feed easily. And in more now you can subscribe your friends feeds as well.

7) Navigate to other Google services:
Google Reader is a Google product so it has some extra advantage of it as you can navigate to other Google services while reading your feeds as Orkut, Photos, Calender, Gmail, Documents or Google search.

Easy feed management:
You can manage your feeds easily the way want, it supports drag and drop so can send your any feed in any folder.
Easily create delete folders, easy subscribe/unsubscribe options.

9) Better preference settings:
Google reader is a Google service so it is connected with other Google services so you can control your Google reader’s behavior for better experience.

10) There is more to come…
I have shared above 9 reasons but there are other reasons also which I have not mentioned here and more reasons have to come yet.

Posted via web from superbalanced