Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Gadget that will help you open your Gadgets

I’m sure you’ve all had your share of frustration opening up those annoying heat-sealed plastic clamshell packages. I’ve certainly had a war-wound or two from the nasty sharp edges as I tried desperately to crack into my new gadgets and goodies. And while a decent pair of scissors or an X-Acto should do the trick, there’s something I like about the idea of an electrical gadget dedicated to the purpose.

The ZIPIt does one thing and one thing only. It shears through those awful clamshell packages like butta. Just slap 3 AA batteries into the ZIPIt, snap off the protective cover, and slide your package into the end of the cutter. In seconds, your package will be open, and your plastic entombed purchase will once again be free to breathe in the air.

Posted via web from superbalanced's posterous